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McCarey, Danny 3/10/2009 5:36:05 PM

At least Robinhood-Obama is good for something other then stealing from the rich to give to the poor. I'm glad he followed through on his federal funding pledge for embryonic stem cells. I know Kerry is trying to get me to come to the post-party for the Britany Spears concert she and Jen and their friends are going to on Friday night in Newark. But there is a reason I gave up my ticket...Villanova is going to be doubtful I will be coming into your hood on Friday...except that is if Jen gets trashed and needs me to pick her up.
t coker 3/13/2009 3:54:19 AM

love ya buck
tim c
Jeff Sitler 3/26/2009 1:29:27 PM

Very nice to meet you this past weekend in St. Louis. I am a friend of your Uncle Charlie and Aunt Sheila. Best of luck!!
Jennifer Schu 4/2/2009 4:02:34 PM

Carl, writing the article about you for VILLANOVA magazine was a real honor for me. You are a fantastic person and so hardworking. I really think you're going to change the world someday. I bet you're enjoying the "Final Four" stuff that's going on!
Pete Guarino 4/13/2009 10:25:36 AM

Carl, there is a saying in Law School, the A students become Professors, The B students become Judges and the C students become rich. I also wrestled from 71 to 73 for West Orange HS. I graduated Seton Hall Law in 83. Stick with it, you can do this.
Pete Guarino

James Kowalski 5/27/2009 12:54:33 AM

Carl - hope there's a new update soon. How's law school? Hopefully you're smarter than me - I could never do it. You do what you do and it's proof that determination is a powerful thing. Some people avoid hard work because it intimidates them. But people like you accept that as just part of the process and focus not only on the end result but appreciate the shaping all that hard work has on you along the way.
Darlyn Sandgren 5/29/2009 10:41:55 PM

Hello Carl & Peter
I wanted you to know I have followed your website for many years. My son also wrestled thru High School, finishing 5th in the state, so your story is close to my heart. I am so glad to see how well you are doing, and I know you will make a success of your life. You are an inspiration to many others.
Maureen Hannah 6/6/2009 11:38:39 PM

Carl have you tried stem cell enhancers yet. StemEhance is a natrual botanical extract concentrate that supports the release of 3-4 million stem cells from the bone marrow within 30-60 minute for renewal and repair. Look at the 6 minute video at:
Jasmine 6/17/2009 9:21:01 AM

Hi Carl - Hope you are enjoying law school. I just read your Dad's piece - and it was moving. It was great meeting you during your short time with Pfizer and hopefully will get to see you soon. I am confident you will do great things with your Law Degree and drive changes. You never know - we may even be electing you into the government to make policies for us. All the best and keep in touch!!!!
Aunt Julianne 8/26/2009 10:02:57 AM

Hi Carl,
Wishing you the best of luck as you start
year two of law school. Love you lots!!!!!!!!!
Aunt Renee 8/26/2009 8:53:51 PM

It was so great to see you the other day. Good luck in your second year. You can't imagine how proud the whole family is of you. Keep up the good work.
Love you.
Jorge 9/14/2009 4:42:32 PM

When do you finish law school? Hope to hear big things from you in the future. Sounds corny and cliche but you really are an inspiration.
Susie Minora Taplin 12/12/2009 8:01:47 PM

Hi Carl,
I do not know you but knew your Dad in college. I am so sorry for the injury you sustained in your sport of wrestling. unbelievable the things that can happen in life. You sound like an amazing person that has tremendous support and is loved by many. Keep plugging because you sound like you have the attributes to become a fantastic lawyer. Keep strong and say hi to your Dad from me.He would know me as Susie Minora (last name now Taplin). I have 3 grown boys who play sports also and understand full well the risks you guys undertake to be the best you can be. My prayers go out to you to stay strong. You can do it !!
****CARL RICCIO TRUST**** 2/13/2010 11:58:40 PM

New message from Carl's Dad
New update
Aunt Tammy 2/14/2010 2:25:06 PM

Hi Carl, I just read my brother's post. Wow, you are the most loved man on this earth. I still tell my student's that you are now and will always be my hero!! I admire all the work and determination you have. You never give up, you are an inspiration to me and everyone who know you. I think about you every day, you are so very special to all your Aunts, Uncles and cousins. Keep working hard, success is around the corner! All my love always, Aunt Tammy
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